She helps and assists you in writing your Masters or Doctoral Thesis.
She coaches you to become an expert in American for Academic Purposes.
$200 per hour. Coaching is one -on- one and also via skype.
Olga Lazin.
Summer sessions at UCLA, Enrollement & Lodging
- • Design course curriculum materials
- • Plan and deliver these lessons clearly
- • Develop students' creativity and problem solving skills through study, research and practical projects
- • Ensure student transportation and discipline while in Los Angeles
- • Assist with school promotional activities
Summer Camp at UCLA, Enrollment & Lodging. 6 weeks of Courses, and two weeks visiting the Sony Film Studios, Paramount Film Studios, the Planetarium, Marina del Rey, San Pedro the old Greek Port, Malibu, and Santa Monica in the Los Angeles Bay.
Dr Olga Lazin Coaching Services
Career Management: Find the Job YOU Want Talk Radio Host: Sunday 3:30PM Passionate Women O
- • Master coach
- • Adult Tutoring Global
- • Reading Comprehension
- • Writing Papers, Masters, PhD papers, Correctly
- • Critical Thinking
- • Italian Language
- • French Language
- • Romanian Language
Connecting is easy:
About Dr.Olga, Adult Tutoring Global
Phone: 310.208. 2244

Dr. Olga Lazin is a UCLA-trained educational historian. She holds a Ph.D. in History, and her doctoral dissertation has been published in a book:
Decentralized Globalization:
The Challenges of Globalization, is the focus of her book Globalization Is Decentralized, being translated into English from Spanish.
Her book is about how technology has changed the job market and the ways we are taking decisions on setting up profiles on LinkedIn, Twitter and to get the jobs we want.
Her book brings a fresh perspective on globalization, and intensly anaytical view on the brilliant and dark sides of globalization. ~MEXICO is her favorite country, the gorgeous landscapes, natural resources unique living creatures like the turtles and the `mariposa monarcha butterflies truly globalized. ~Her analysis of NAFTA AND THE EUROPEAN UNION, WITH STATSTICAL data make this book a precious and unique book. ~Get your book here, in digtal format, or hard copy.
Specialties: Researcher, writer and Academic Tutor, talk show host.
Listen to Dr Olga on, and where interviews a wide array of guests, including Professors at UCLA.
Visit Dr.Lazin’s Career Coaching page:
Read Dr. Lazin's Blog on Blogspot:
What Is Coaching?
Coaching is a newer profession, which has synthesized the best from psychology, business, evolution, philosophy, spirituality, and finance to benefit the CEO, entrepreneur, professional, manager, leader, executive, business owner, and individual.Descripción: Why Does Coaching Work?
Coaching works because of three unique features:
The client and I become a team, focusing on the client’s goals and needs and accomplishing more than the client would alone. Because the synergy of having two brains working for you always increases your effectiveness. Because I will always want more for you than you want for you. I will always be pulling you forward to a better life. Because I believe we are here in life to have it all and never to settle into mediocrity. Your greatness is waiting to be unleashed, positively expanded and shared with the world.
With me as your coach, you will take more actions, think bigger and get the job done, thanks to the accountability, which I provide. Also, I believe in you. I have no agenda except for your success. I am not attached to your choices unlike well-meaning friends and family. Who may not want you to change and grow and reach your fullest potential. For they would then have to look at their own self-limiting lives and you may no longer have as much in common, hence, you may have to leave them behind. I am your secret weapon. I empower and strengthen you to meet any challenge, to climb your highest mountain. I am your powerful partner on your personal path of life, work and breakthroughs.
Holistic Coaching:
I use a holistic approach towards the individual and the organization. We strive to get to the heart of the matter or core issues. Often times problems are symptoms to a life/work out of balance and dysfunctional. I am not interested in superficial band aid solutions. We need to get to the core of what is driving the behavior or problems. I coach the whole person. I coach the whole team. We may focus on one or two areas such as work and money. But, I will be listening for all areas of your life that need attention and strengthening. I am a master listener. I hear what you are saying. I hear what you are not saying. I believe that we all have themes and patterns that show up in all areas. For instance, if you neglect your health, you may also be very dissatisfied in your love life. I am an expert at getting to the heart of the problem in work, relationships, money problems, etc. All of life is relationships. How you relate to Self is how you relate to your partner, your work, your health, your money and so on. I am a master expert bringing to light your limitations that are in the way of your success and happiness.
By having conscious awareness of what is really driving the problems, this empowers individuals, and organizations to make the needed changes for optimum effectiveness and achievement. We can’t change what we don’t acknowledge. I then will forward focus you on what you really want. We then together develop the strategies to get you where you want to go. Empowering you to see your greatest talents, gifts and abilities. I believe that it is not the person who is lacking in ability, it is that people don’t always believe in themselves. You are worthy to have it all. You are more than enough. You deserve to be happy, healthy, prosperous, successful and loved. Your perfection is in your imperfection… Endorse your greatest weakness.
Be unconditionally constructive starting with you!, my fees are:
- • Individual Coaching Hour Session $200
- • Couple Coaching Hour Session $250
- • Group Coaching (3-5 people) Hour Session $350
I have been professionally coaching clients full-time for close to two decades. I know how to help individuals, and leaders get healthy and strong. How to make more money, make better decisions, set the best goals, and restructure their personal and professional lives for maximum effectiveness, opportunity and happiness. I love empowering people and helping people move forward in life. I am an expert at teaching people how to have great health, well-being and vitality. I coach people to own their power. To truly know “who” you really are and live from the inner Self. Empowering people to find their point of brilliance, i.e., to be the best in their chosen profession. I am expert at helping people find their passion in life, work and living. I am living my passion. I can coach you to live your passion too.
Who Works With A Coach?
CEO’s, entrepreneurs, business owners, professionals, executives, leaders, and people in transition use a coach to fix, solve, create or plan something, personally and/or professionally. I work with highly functional enlightened people with all kinds of problems. People hire a coach because they want MORE of something (money, time, happiness, success, freedom, love) or LESS of something (frustration, tolerations, delays, exhaustion, overwhelment).