La Globalización Se Descentraliza:
Libre Mercado, Fundaciones, Sociedad Cívica y Gobierno Civil en las Regiones del Mundo
Decentralized Globalization:
Free Trade, Foundations, Civic Society and Civil Government in the Regions of the World
Olga Magdalena Lazín
In recent years our understanding of globalization and regionalization has change, thanks to a more systematic approach and a wider debate among specialist and interested public. In this trends this book in an invaluable text for a wider audience, including undergraduates, advance graduate students, researchers and policy makers at national or regional level. Through almost seven hundred pages It takes us beyond common places, providing us with a rich set of interdisciplinary tools and comprehensive framework that allows us to handle this complex phenomenon that dominate modern economy, society and politics.
His merits are in the nexus it established between several processes that are interacting in the context of globalization- regionalization: free market, foundations and political actors al societal and government level.
The central line of analysis connects globalization with social movements. Since 1980s the pace of globalization has accelerating, entering into a new phase stress the author. A dramatic implication of the above is the decentralization, meaning transfer of power, at least to certain degree, from government, to society –civil and civic. Globalization has created enormous wealth, suggest Lazín, given rise to a new kind of philanthropy, as organization and philosophy, epitomized by Soros as opposed to Rockefeller. Soros, donate to foreign poor countries routinely half of his empire profits, deducting them from taxes that otherwise will go to US government. Behind that money there is a philosophy of anti dictatorship, even anti statism and encouragement of social grass root mobilization.
Few books have a serious treatment of this new kind of philanthropy associated to new names such as Soros. But the main issue is to demonstrate how the world has a whole has being affected by this trend. We can said, following Lazín main argument that money coming from globalization, often speculative money, is feeding social forces that capitalized this historical change, even to a point to confront globalization itself. Many NGO are strongly anti globalist and played a key role in Seattle, December 1999.
A very elegant prolog by Professor James W. Wilkie, open the book and give to reader a wide perspective with del with a subject compelling but complex and multidisciplinary.
It is worth mention that Lazín has a salient command on Spanish language and write very concise and clear in way that delight reader. Then an English translation will be easy and very well received by an audience commitment to serious and inquisitive treatment on one of more comprehensive changes in human history.
Many valuable lessons can be drawn from this comprehensive approach that can guide academics and policy makers in countries like Mexico.
Miguel Ángel Rivera Ríos, Dr.
Profesor Titular C de tiempo completo, definitivo.
Facultad de Economía, División de Estudios profesionales y de Posgrado, de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.
PRIDE: Nivel D
S.N.I: Nivel II
Olga Magdalena Lazín