
Curriculum Vitae

Olga Magdalena Lazín-Andrei, Ph.D


PROFMEX – Vice-President of PROFMEX

Vice President, PROFMEX - Consortium For Research on Mexico: PROFMEX 501 (C)3 CONSORTIUM FOR RESEARCH

Author of the bestseller book: STATISM, IT's RECURRING CYCLES IN MEXICO AND ROMANIA, 2022, 
ISBN 978-1956736854
Available Amazon.com
Learn more:


Doctoral Degree UCLA 2001 – Thesis: Decentralized Globalization Free Trade Blocs, Philanthropy, Civic And Civil Society in the U.S., Latin America and eastern Europe

UCLA Visiting Professor – Scholar & Senior Researcher on 

FREE TRADE BLOCS, FOOD SAFETY & The USMCA (Free Trade Agreement between the U.S., Canada & Mexico) 2009 to 2018 - 

2001-2017        Post-Doctoral Fellow, UCLA Information and Educational Studies Department

2001                   Ph.D. in History, UCLA

1996                   M.A. in History, UCLA

1990                               M.A. in Philology, Babes-Bolyai University. “Blocurile Mondiale de Comert Liber"

Professional Experience:

Post-Doctoral magna cum Laude Researcher Education & Information Studies At UCLA

PROFMEX  Vice-President for Research & Development: Profmex, Since 1989



President: Professor James W Wilkie

Tel: (310) 570-3702  

E-mail: jwilkie@gmail.com


Author Bestseller on Amazon.com in 2018


Book #1:

Globalization Is Decentralized: Free trade Civil and Civic Society, From Soros’ Eastern Europe To Rockefeller’s Latin America, 2007, in Spanish, and English.

 Personal Webpage:  http://www.olgalazin.com/books.html

 Descarcati aici: Civic Engagement
Civil Society
And Philanthropy in The USA
Romanian & Mexico

 CIVIC ENGAGEMENT CIVIL SOCIETY and PHILANTHROPY in the United States of America, Romania and Mexico

Dr Olga Book Publishing, CEO

Author: Civic Engagement, Civil Polity, and PHILANTHROPY in the USA, Romania and Mexico:

 ISBN 978-1-63848-986-3


2. PROFMEX – Research & Development Director –

Company: http://www.profmex.org

3. Asociatia Jurnalistilor Romani De Pretutindeni AJRP – Vice-President


4. Innovator: Dr. Olga's Foundation on SCIENCE-BASED READING SKILLS, President

Help Vote My Book as Book Of the Year: https://forums.onlinebookclub.org/shelves/book.php.

Wellness Homeopathic Business:



Office Address   

10811 ASHTON AVE, #101, Los Angeles, CA 90024                                    

E-mail: olazin@ucla.edu; olgalazin@gmail.com

Citizenship: USA          

Web page: http://www.olgalazin.com


Book #2 Sole Author:   Decentralized Globalization:

                             Free Markets, U.S. Foundations, and 

                             the Rise of Civil and Civic Society from

                          Rockefeller’s Latin America to Soros’ Eastern Europe, 2017 Published by Authorhouse, online at: http://www.decentralizedglobalization.com   Hardcopy, KINDLE, and Digitized E-Book, Tablet & IPhone Readable.

ISBN: Ebook ISBN is 9781724649234. 

The ISBN of DECENTRALIZED GLOBALIZATION is: 978-15-24-64-92-41

The Spanish version of the book is published by the University of Guadalajara Press

UCLA Program on Mexico, PROFMEX, and Juan Pablos Editores: ISBN 978-970-27-0713-4 in 2011


Book #3:      2011  La Globalización Se Amplia: Los claroscuros de los nexus globales.                                                        

               By James W. Wilkie y Olga Magdalena Lazín (Guadalajara y Los Angeles: 

               Universidad de Guadalajara, PROFMEX, UCLA Program on Mexico, Juan Pablos Editor)

               http://globalizacionseamplia.com/  ISBN: 978-607-711-032-3


Book #3  Co-authored with  James W Wilkie : “The Brilliant And Dark Sides Of Globalization”, 2011  Published by UCLA, and University of Guadalajara.

Book #4: Dr Olga’s American Dream Come True: Biography of a Transylvanian Expat

ISBN-13: 978-1973562214

ISBN-10: 1973562219


Book #5: The Mexican Eternal Revolutions:

On Amazon, Paperback $22: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1976867584/ref=cm_sw_em_r_mt_dp_U_ZXtxCbWGTZ86E



Book #7

 Escaping Transylvanian Vampirism To The West.

Amazon Bestseller, 2017

Available in All Formats.


Book #8


Amazon Publishing, KDP, 2019


Book #9

Statism, Its Recurring Cycles In Me...



Kindle eBook


Submitted on February 4, 2021

$9.99 USD

View on Amazon 



Professional Achievements:

2016 - Owner at Dr Olga Essentials: https://dr-olga-essential-oils.myshopify.com

Author: 12 Books, and 60 Articles online: http://www.olgalazin.com/books.html

Fertility and Development: Abortion and the Democratic Transition in Mexico, UCLA, Wednesday, February 20, 2016. http://www.olgalazin.com/articles.html




Lecturer of  History  -33 years experience of teaching At College and University Level. 


2000- 2010 UCLA History teacher, "History of the United States Constitution: The Federalist Papers"


2016 -2017 Tijuana: Globalization Is Decentralized, Course in History, Summer and Fall Quarters


2015 March 8,  Speaker: & Lecturer:  The American And

International Women of Leadership Association Network, Speaker at Global Conference: http://theiwla.com/


2014  Moderator: UCLA's Graduate School of Education and the Social Security Project

 UCLA Faculty Center on the topic:


Lecturer - "MINIMUM WAGES AND SOCIAL SECURITY IN USA," Tuesday, Oct 7, 2020

9:30-11:30, at the University of California Faculty Center, UCLA


History Lecturer: UCLA, California State University, Cal State University Long Beach, Cerritos College, Santa Monica College, West LA College, and El Camino College.


2012    History 161 & 160 – UCLA, Spring Quarter: A. The Amparo in Mexico:      Comparative Study between the Habeas Corpus & Amparo. Dr James Wilkie


Syllabus link: 1. Reproductive Law: http://www.slideshare.net/drlazin1/womens-rights-reproductive-rights-in-mexico?related=1




2011                              UCLA Extension, Topics in American History,  U.S. Constitution

Summer Quarter & Winter Quarter


2010                              “Women and Globalization,” Upper Division Women’s Studies 

Course 401I California State University, Long Beach, Spring Semester


2009                              “World History Since 1500,” Upper Division History Course,

Course 380 at California State University, Long Beach, Spring Semester



2008  Teaching Assistant, Colonial America, Classic Travel Accounts of United States of America, 1999, UCLA.


2007   Lecturer, CSUDH:  Integrating Women’s History into Courses, Spring, Summer, Winter, fall


2004 UCLA Extension,Lecturer, Issues in Latin American History, Summer Quarter


2002 “Women and Globalization,” Upper Division Women’s Studies Course

   401I California State University, Long Beach, Spring Semester


“World History Since 1500,” Upper Division History Course, Course 380

   California State University, Long Beach, Spring Semester


2001    “Women in World History,” Upper Division History, 380  California State University, Dominguez Hills, Fall Semester 


2001 “Mexico Since 1910,” UCLA Upper Division Course History 171

UCLA Extension (UNEX), Spring Quarter


2000 “History of Latin America,” Upper Division Course 


“History of  Women in Mexico Since Colonialism” Upper Division Course 

                            Santa Monica College, Summer Quarter


1999       “History of the Americas,” Lower Division History 8.1

   Cerritos College, Winter Quarter



UCLA Teaching Experience:  Department of History


2018  History Professor at Cal State LONG BEACH: 

               “Women’s Issues in Contemporary Mexican History” 

Lower Division Course 170A


“Films as History of Latin America,” 

 Lower Division Course 8C


1998                      History Lecturer, UCLA, Professor: 

“The Latina Woman in Film History:

Cinemalore Examined,”

Upper Division/Graduate Course 169


1997                             Co-Instructor with Dr James W Wilkie: 

“Latin American Elitelore”

                                       Upper Division/Graduate Course 169


UCLA Course Teaching Assistant: Department of History     


1997                                              “Cultural History of Mexico” (170C)


1997-1998                 “Historical Statistics of Latin America” (Graduate: 268A-B)


  1996              “Latin America and the World,” History 169


1994             “Leaders in World Development” (169)


1993-1994                 “Latin American Film and Society” (170A)


1991                        to Present: “Classic Travel Accounts of Latin America” (History 170C)







Book In Progress: 


Los Angeles The Second Capital of All Countries: Book project


Member of: “Women in Global Technology: Past and Present”


“Women’s History & Gender Studies in the Process of




Managing Editor of Web Journal PROFMEX.com


1997 –to present:--         Mexico and the World     http://www.profmex.com





Articles Authored: Available Online 




Book Reviewer Panel at: http://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/



2016     “Expansion del Papel del Instituto Nacional de Migración de México (INAMI) y Establecimiento de Un ‘Think Tank" Dedicado a Mejorar la Calidad de Vida en La Gran Los Angeles-Tijuana,”

                        (México, D.F.: INAMI, 2002), Chapter 5.


2001            “History and Components of Globalization,” 

Statistical Abstract of Latin America 37

(Los Angeles: UCLA Latin American Center Publications), 

pp. xxiv-xxvii.


2000a  “Romanian Globalization Theory and Its Impact In 

Latin America - The Neopopulist Discourse,” 

UCLA Historical Journal, Issue 19, pp. 12-34.


2000b   Review  of Crafting the Third World: Theorizing Under-

development in Brazil (Stanford University Press, 1996)

 by Joseph Love,” Mexico and the World  5:2



1999a          “Mexico and Romania Compared,” in Mexico and the World, 

                           edited by James W. Wilkie (México, D.F.: PROFMEX-ANUIES),

                           pp. 206-233.

          Also in Mexico and the World  6:1        www.isop.ucla.edu/profmex/volume6/1winter01/01lazin1.htm


1999b   "Globalización Fast-Track  y el Surgimiento de Áreas de Libre 

Comercio (ALC) y Corporaciones Transglobales (CTG) Virtuales", in 

México frente a la Modernización de China,  ed. Oscar M. González Cuevas (México, D.F.: Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Unidad Azcapotzalco), pp. 307-359.

(Co-authored with James W. Wilkie)


1996               “Bloques Emergentes de Comercio Internacional:

Comparación |Entre el Área de Libre Comercio de América del 

Norte y la Unión Europea,” Carta Económica Regional, 

Universidad de Guadalajara, No. 48,  May-June, pp. 29-36.


1995a          “NAFTA and The European Union Compared,” in Statistical Abstract 

                           of Latin America, Vol. 30;1,  pp. 1205-1230.


1995a           “México Como Punta de Lanza para el Libre Comercio en las 

Américas,” in Ajustes y Desajustes Regionales,  eds. Jesús Arroyo Alejandre y David E. Lorey (Guadalajara y Los Angeles: University of Guadalajara y UCLA Program on Mexico), 47-112.

(Co-author James W. Wilkie) 


1994            “Mexico as a Linchpin for Free Trade in the Americas: The Women Maquiladora Wokers,” 

                    in Statistical Abstract of Latin America, Vol. 31:2, pp. 1173-1203.         (Co-author James W. Wilkie)


1985     “Originality and Stereotypes,” Nord, Baia Mare, Romania, Jan, p. 3. 


1984            “Confessions,” Nord, Baia Mare, Romania, January 1, p. 5.



History PROFESSOR, and Course Readers Edited By Dr Olga


2016  Women in Global Perspectives, Course reader, 401I CSULB


20016 Women in History: Globalizing Women and Gender Studies in History, California State University, Dominguez Hills


1999    Elitelore Issues, UCLA Spring And Summer Quarter: 


2001            Frontiers in Elitelore, UCLA History 169


1995  Issues in Elitelore and Folklore, UCLA History 169



Research Awards from UCLA International Studies Overseas Programs


1999-2001                   Summa Cum Laude: UCLA Travel Grant to Conduct Research on “Reconstructing the Legal Framework for Civil Society in Romania: The Mexican Model."


1997-1998          UCLA Travel Grant to Conduct Research on 

“Los Angeles, Historical Sights And Movie Houses”


1996       Latin American Center Fieldwork Award



Professional Achievements: 


2016             Editor-In-Chief - Historic Los Angeles: Monuments and Film Production Companies Analyzed. Available for download:



2018               American Women in Film, Panelist, Leadership Conference Mexico City


2007                PROFMEX-UCLA Conference Organizing Committee, 

“Mexico and Public Policy,” Morelia, State of Michoacán,

September 19-25.


2006                  Co-Conference Organizer: “The Latina Woman in Film,”

UCLA, May 1998


1997--             Director, Globalization Studies, UCLA Latin America Center


1997                   PROFMEX Conference Organizing Committee, 

“Mexico and the World,” Morelia, State of Michoacán, 

December 8-15 

  www.profmex.com //mexworld/issue6/art1


1994--    PROFMEX Director, NAFTA-European Integration


1993--    Organizer, NPPOs GLOBAL-Program for Legally Facilitating the Flow


Olga Magdalena Lazín
E-mail: olgalazin@gmail.com